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Introducing The Joomla Full Page Background Slideshow


Display full screen media backgrounds with ease.

Create a fullscreen background slideShow for your site in a couple of minutes with multiple images with overlay background color and pattern. Want to use an image instead, no problem, Joomla FullScreen Video Background lets you use one or more images to display beautiful backgrounds. What about just a color background, may be with a pattern? Yeap, that too!

Download FullScreen Video Background Now!

Simple to Use.

You do not need to be a web developer to install or use Full Page Background Slideshow. Just download the Full Page Background Slideshow, install and upload your desired images.

Full of Options.

All of the necessary settings to display full screen backgrounds to your needs, including: Append To, Poster, Overlay, Loop, Page-Up-Down (PUD), and many more.

Say Hello to PUD.

Page-Up-Down (PUD) allows the page to be scroll up and down to allow full view of the video. You can also select if PUD will scroll the page down when the media playback starts and/or if it will scroll up when the media playback ends. You can also keep part of the page in view, such as the logo and navigation, during the PUD down status.